Natural Infertility Treatment

Natural Infertility Treatment Program

Our Natural Infertility Treatment Program includes holistic approach aimed at addressing infertility without the use of medical interventions such as IVF, fertility drugs, or surgeries.

The way we do is using homoeopathy integrated with lifestyle Modification and Nutrition- Using our Approach, we have helped over 200 couples out of 220, to complete their family. What we do is – make your body capable of Conceiving Naturally- Like the way we’re biologically wired, just the way God designed our bodies to work. That’s why we have over 90% success Rate.

Why is Our Natural Infertility Treatment Program a Better Option?

Our Natural Infertility Treatment focuses on improving overall health, which benefits fertility and long-term well-being, unlike artificial treatments that often focus only on short-term results.

As our treatment is based on improving your body’s ability to conceive naturally, so our success rate is much higher.

Our Natural Infertility Treatment involves No Side Effects, while artificial methods may lead to various problems like hormonal imbalances, obesity, menstrual irregularities, mood swings etc.

Our Treatment is very cost effective and affordable as compared to Artificial Treatments like IVF, IUI etc.

Our Natural approach avoids surgeries or invasive procedures, making them more comfortable and less risky.

Managing fertility naturally reduces stress and emotional strain compared to the pressures and potential disappointments of IVF or fertility drugs.

Our Natural Infertility treatment aim to balance the body’s hormones naturally, leading to sustainable fertility improvements without external interventions.

Meet Dr. Sangita (Gynecologist)

Dr. Sangita Arya

Dr. Sangita Arya, Director – The Positive Homoeopathy. She is India’s pioneer homoeopathic infertility expert. She has been exceptionally talented and a hard-working homoeopathic gynecologist.

Her research-based natural infertility treatment program has brought her into popularity. As with this program, she has blessed more than 200 couples to complete their family.

  • Her research-based Natural Infertility Treatment Program focuses on the root causes of infertility, like PCOS /PCOD, uterine fibroid, fallopian tube blockage, etc, to provide a permanent cure and bring smiles on couple’s faces in the form of their kid’s joyful screams.
  • Her approach to every infertility case is very unique, which has led to her success rate (more than 90%).
  • Her Natural Infertility Treatment Program has helped hundreds of couples to bring joy into their life in the form of their kids, and that too without the painful modern-day process like IVF/IUI, which often renders them mentally and financially hopeless.
  • She is also very expert in handling acute epidemic diseases, and COVID-19 is an excellent example of her expertise.
  • She tirelessly served during this tough phase and successfully treated thousands of patients during the pandemic.
  • All her efforts and expertise were well recognized as she has received various awards and recognitions.
  • She had also launched the campaign “Naari Shakti” for female health awareness.

Meet Dr. Prem Prakash Arya

Dr. Prem Prakash Arya, Founder:  The Positive Homoeopathy

  • Prem Prakash Arya, together with Dr. Sangita Arya, has been a pioneer of male infertility in India. He has done extensive research in the field of male infertility.
  • His research-oriented Natural Infertility Treatment Program has resulted in the successful parenthood journey of more than 200 couples.
  • The Natural Infertility Treatment Program, designed by the Positive Homeopathy, not only resolves the root causes of female infertility—like PCOS/PCOD, uterine fibroid, fallopian tube block, etc.—but also is cured under the guidance of Dr. Sangita Arya.
  • Similarly, it is found that in most of the infertility cases, the problem lies in the male partner. These are related with sperm count, sperm motility, sperm quality, and other issues. Dr. Prem Arya always handles such cases with extreme precision and a result-oriented approach.
  • First, he provides proper counseling to male patients that the problem of infertility might be in them. So, they should get it tested, and all such things are medical conditions which can be permanently treated with us. There should be no shyness in males to get tested.
  • Arya is also very popular amongst his patients as the “Emergency Homeopath of India.”
  • They say he is a master in handling very serious and critical cases with his skills in homeopathic medicines.
  • He has successfully treated a huge number of such cases as cancer, infertility, kidney failure, liver cirrhosis, chronic heart diseases, lung pathologies, etc.
  • All his efforts and expertise were well recognized as he has received various awards and recognitions.
Dr. Prem Prakash Arya

Trusted by Over 200+ Couples

We have helped over 200+ couples who ones believed they will never have kids to conceive naturally without any painful treatments.

Make Your Appointment Today

Dr. Prem Prakash Arya
Dr. Sangita Arya

Treatment for all Acute & Chronic Diseases like Thyroid/ Arthritis, Bronchitis, Diabetes, PCOD, Uterine Fibroid, Infertility, skin problem, Hypertension, Autism, Paralysis, Kidney Stone, Gall Bladder Stone, Liver Cirrhosis, Heart & Kidney Failure, Tumors, Cancer & Critical Illness.

How To Book?

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)

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