Acne Treatment


This is a disease of the sebaceous glands, which occurs only during a particular age period. It starts after adolescence, and by the age of 25 years, most people stop having acne.


Sebaceous glands are holocrine glands that occur in association with hair follicles and produce an oily secretion called sebum.

The main function of sebum is to maintain the suppleness of the skin. These glands are mostly present on the scalp, face, chest, back, shoulders, etc.

Patients having acne have an increased secretion of sebum, leading to increased oiliness of the skin.

This increased oil along with other components of sebaceous secretion and bacteria are responsible for the formation of acne lesions.

Treatment for Acne

Acne Symptoms & Types

  1. Inflammatory papules (Pimples): Small red or pink bumps on the skin that might be painful.
  2. Papulo-pustules: Pus-filled bumps on the skin.
  3. Blackheads: Also called open comedones, filled with black plugs.
  4. Whiteheads: White-plugged pores, also called closed comedones.
  5. Cysts: Pus or fluid-filled large acne.
  6. Nodular Acne: The fibrosed cystic acne turns into nodular acne. It is hard and very painful.

Causes of Acne

Acne is caused by an imbalance of sex hormones:


Androgens (Male Hormones)

Increase the size of sebaceous glands and hence increase the risk of more acne.


Estrogens (Female Hormones)

Estrogens are essential for regulating reproductive health, menstrual cycles, and secondary sexual characteristics in women.

Common Sites of Acne

Cheeks Acne

Cheeks Acne

Forehead Acne

Forehead Acne

Nose Acne

Nose Acne

Chin Acne

Chin Acne

Back Acne

Back Acne

Upper central chest Acne

Chest Acne

Management Acne

Management Acne
Wash your face properly with mild soap, but wash only twice a day because frequent washing may irritates the skin and cause damage.
If you have dry skin, maintain proper hydration for your body.
In females, before and during menstruation, acne may trigger a while. So take care of yourself, and it will settle after that.
Apply mild moisturizer to your face.
Don't use any high-chemical products on your face.
Take a balanced diet.
Don't be emotionally stressed out.

Homoeopathy Treatment for Acne

Homeopathic medicines are very effective in the treatment of acne.

  • These medicines are scientifically designed to clear the pores of the face, check the inflammation of sebaceous glands, and thus reduce acne formation naturally and permanently.
  • Homeopathic medicines lower the formation of free radicals, which are one of the main causes of acne.
  • Homeopathic medicines balance the level of female hormones naturally, which helps significantly in reducing acne formation in females.


Make Your Appointment Today

Dr. Prem Prakash Arya
Dr. Sangita Arya

Treatment for all Acute & Chronic Diseases like Thyroid/ Arthritis, Bronchitis, Diabetes, PCOD, Uterine Fibroid, Infertility, skin problem, Hypertension, Autism, Paralysis, Kidney Stone, Gall Bladder Stone, Liver Cirrhosis, Heart & Kidney Failure, Tumors, Cancer & Critical Illness.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)